You know that when you make new computers, mobile phones and other gadgets, you consume lots of energy, raw materials, water, chemicals and more. And it requires transportations around the world, from the mine to the factory and finally to the consumer. An ordinary computer, for example, consumes 1.8 tonnes (!) of raw materials to manufacture, even though it only weighs a few kilos in the end.
If more IT equipment is saved from recycling (hurray, less e-waste!) and instead reused, the need for new production decreases. It’s good for the environment and for us all. Maybe you have heard the term circular economy? It’s about utilizing products, materials and raw materials longer to better manage the planet’s resources. Here is where reuse and the second hand market becomes a vital component.
Reusing IT products can also be translated into carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e): if you let us reuse say ten of your used computers, your climate footprint will be reduced by over half a ton of carbon dioxide. It corresponds to the energy to heat two to three apartments – for a whole year! Not too shabby. Add printers, screens and mobiles to multiply the environmental benefits.